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Other Writings

Combinatorial Game Theory

  • Mathematics Behind Go Endgames (2014):

    This was my undergraduate mathematics honor thesis, advised by Dr Florian Block. It studies Go endgames with tools in combinatorial game theory.

  • A Study of 2Xn and 3Xn Domineering (2010):

    My math 191 project with Michael Landry, advised by Dr Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner. We solve 2xn (except 2x31) and 3xn Domineering games by pure combinatorial arguments. The problem was first solved in the 1980s by Berlekamp. But he used advanced results from temperature theory, while we only use simple primitive arguments (a little bit tedious of course).

  • A Combinatorial Game Theoretic Analysis of Chess Endgames (2010):

    Another math 191 project with Michael Landry and Frank Yu, again advised by Dr Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner. It is a note on how to do basic analysis on chess endgames with combinatorial game theory.

Publications in Chinese